Monday, July 20, 2015

Tell us your stories : Companions!

Having had a big week last week and even bigger weekend,  I'm looking for light hearted discussion.

Tell us your favorite companion stories.  I like to hear a good yarn, err, tale, so here's your chance!  Also if you have any ideas for companion type cards that may or may not come out in the (probably not so close) future, we welcome those too.

-Ann G.`

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ah, the Elves...

I have been asking (with very limited success) what cards you would like to see in each racial set.  Today we will ask about the Elves, those pointy eared citizens of Grandilar.  

Also since the dryad does not exist in 2.0, should cards be made available to let someone tailor their elven character to be one?  At least in my mind dryads should be elves but do you agree?

Ann G.