Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New sets for the New Year


The next round of sets will include the basic sets for the WereCat, WereRat, and Phoenix; advanced sets for all of the shifter types; item sets for all kinds of things including animals and vehicles, both land and water; and, I'm also working on a basic set for each race. Concurrently, I will be working on the character display and status cards. These are meant to sit out in front of you and give information on your character, so that those around you, including the GM, have an easy, visual reference for known attributes about you. I welcome comments and suggestions. If you have ideas on what cards you'd like to see in the WereCat, WereRat, Phoenix, or any of the Racial Basic sets, please comment here. Tim

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

After Pentacon

Well, Pentacon is now over and much mayhem was had and or avoided.  I don't think there were any Valarians killed , but there were some close calls!  I did send out word to all My Necro contacts to round up those of you that did not attend, but they in turn sent out their apprentices that they do not trust enough to train well so I think you are off the hook - for now.  I hope you will not make me take bigger measures to force attendence at Marcon (May 8-10,2015) or Origins (June 3-7, 2015) next year...

In other news, Tim has (or will have if it's not there yet) the new card sets from Pentacon up in the market.  Please go over there for you buying needs.  https://squareup.com/market/the-guild-for-ds

Monday, November 3, 2014

PSSST! Have you heard?

We are now up to 12, count 'em 12 games listed for Pentacon!  Hope to see each and every one of you there to fill each table!

Pentacon, Ft. Wayne IN... Nov 14-16, 2014.  Be there, or we send the neighborhood Necro out to find you.  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014

New sets coming!

According to the great GuildMaster the new sets coming out are:

New sets planned for PentaCon XXX include the Clanborn, Flaws, the 2014 StormCon Set, my Modular Character cards, and base sets for Gargoyle, Unicorn, Pegasus, and Orc. I may also have sets for the Griffon, and may another surprise. It's a tall order, but I have help.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Be Watching!

Keep an eye here for exciting news about new card sets to come out for Pentacon!  Production is ramping up and we will be updating SOON!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Running Games at Pentacon!

Well there are a FEW games listed now for Pentacon (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vGRPTKxL_QQE7WLQLo8Sy-BY75x9aVcaXa1A5JtoH54/edit#gid=0)  But where are YOURS?  Look, if we want to keep this a viable game, we need support from the wardens that are out there. The rest of us would like to play periodically too...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Talking Art...

Lets find out who actually reads this blog!  Or not...

We have limited amounts of Sue's Art to use, much of which is already in use.  SO...  On future cards that we cannot match up with Sue's art,  do you, the dear player, prefer free clip art, another artist's work, no artwork,  or what?  I like to play around with some of the subject matters of the game in art (I work real cheap, LOL!) and I know there are others that do too.  The problem with using another artist is, depending on the artist, we have would have legalities to work through which could raise prices on cards.

So, what opinions do you the dear readers and players have?  This is for talking only at this point since we are still getting by (somewhat) on the art we are allowed to use of Sue's.

P.S.  The attached artwork is mine, so you can see why I work cheap!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

More on Pentacon - GMs!

With typical Pentacon efficiency,  the forms on the website are not updated to reflect this year's dates but I am assured that they are accurate.  ... SO, GMs wanting to get credit for running games ( a discount on your entry badge) should go to  http://www.pentacongames.com/files/2013%20GMLetter.pdf and download then print out the GM info and form, send it by snail mail to Larry (addy is on the form)  NO LATER THAN OCT 1st for full credit.  It would be absolutely great to have lots of games listed in the book this year!

Thank you!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

PentaCon - Nov. 14-16 - Grand Wayne Center - Ft. Wayne, IN

Planning on having the booth at Pentacon. Hope to have exciting things there. Who is going? Shout it out loud. Let's see just how many Dragon Storm players we can get there. I'd dearly love to see a large group, and not just the locals. :-)

New Personal Blog on Tumblr

I've created a separate blog on Tumblr as dsgchief. You can also find me there by searching my email address: dragon_storm@kennardweb.net. I'll use it and this blog to post news from myself and the Guild. Currently, I'm working on getting ready for PentaCon on November 14-16 in Ft. Wayne, IN. I'm trying very hard to get out the modular characters and at least a beta version of my new character display and status cards. I'm very excited about both projects. I hope to post more often. I've really not been as active on here as I'd like. I'll try to do better. Be well, and defend the storm! Er, uh, fight the storm! Er, uhm, get your storm on!! ;-) Tim

Friday, August 15, 2014

A belated but Big thank you to Mark and Ann R,

Lots of changes have been happening here in my little corner of Grandilar but I want to take a minute to say a big and belated thank you to our hosts, Mark and Ann Rosenberger for the (once again) great job they did on hosting Stormcom.  We had in the neighborhood of 15 people there for the whole weekend, a few that could only make it for one day and even a few new Players!    We look forward to seeing many of you that could not make it at the next one in 2015.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

StormCon! Change of DATE!

I just received news via Facebook - Mark R has work commitments now for the first weekend of August so StormCon has been moved to Aug. 8th, the second weekend of the month.  For those of you who are going, please check to see if your arrangements can be changed.

Ann G

Sunday, July 6, 2014


As of right now StormCon is a go.  It will be the first weekend of August (1-3).  Once again Mark and Ann Rosenberger are hosting so all the same rules and regulation as before apply.  Ann has asked that you please let her know if you plan to go so she can plan on food and if anyone will be staying there at their home.  I feel hesitant to put up any contact info without their consent so if you cannot get a hold of them directly  let me know and I will forward it with any contact info you give.  If you e-mail me, please put STORMCON in the subject line.

pixiejorge  at  yahoo.   com   (trying to stop as much of the email junk collectors as I can without making it tough on legit people)

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

On this fine Holiday, who is having marathon DS sessions?  Why not fill us in on what is happening in YOUR group - We Storm Wardens would like to steal, er borrow, er read about what your Storm Warden is putting you through!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

StormWardens! Topic, named cast cards:

It has occurred to me that we have NO named cast cards like Dyson, or Heliot, or Mother White currently in the 2.0 GM cards.  Now, this is not a promise that we are working on such things, as there are other cards that are more desperately wanted/ needed for 2.0.  This is more of a general inquiry of whether such cards are desired, needed, etc.

I believe that as long as the supply of decks and boosters of 1.0 exists, we will survive but when those run out, for new GM?


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I'm sitting here in a hotel room in Columbus Ohio for the great gaming convention know as Origins. Starting tomorrow we will be playing DragonStorm for DAYS!  Please, Please ,Please come by and see us up in the open gaming area.  :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

WHOO HOO! and Origins 14

Ok Folks,  Tim let me on this thing! (Silly Tim):

Time for a new blog post:  Origins 14 is happening and Dragon Storm will be there but not in an official capacity - once again we did not get things registered. *sigh*  SO...  Come and find us in the Open Games area (I do not currently know where that will be this year) and we will be running games there.  I will try to keep you up to date as I know things but.....

Oh and don't forget to check out the guild store for the new sets that came out at MARCON as well as for  any other of your card needs!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

MarCon 49 is a go!!

The brilliant people of the MarCon 49 Dealers Room Jury have approved my application for space. So, The Guild for Dragon Storm will have two tables inside the Dealers Hall at MarCon 49 in Columbus, OH, May 9-11. I will have the full range of DS products, from Classic Starters and Boosters to 2.0, including all of the newest sets, and my personally produced game aids. I'm working on an online form for game submission and something special for all the GMs who run games for us. So, set your sights and calendars for May 9-11 at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, OH. It's gonna be epic!