Saturday, August 31, 2013

To Proxy or not to Proxy. That is the question!

I don't believe I've offended anyone very recently (opinions will vary on that), so it appears I'm way overdue. What I'm about to say will certainly offend someone. If it doesn't, then what am I wasting my time for. Mark used to say that to me all of the time. ;-) Proxy cards are meant to be temporary; they are not meant to be the sole means of playing Dragon Storm. Dragon Storm isn't a free game. However, I'm not saying that you should never use a proxy. I am definitely in favor of using proxy cards in certain situations: 1. Beta cards by definition are proxies. Those cards do not yet exist, if they ever will, and must be a proxy to be played. However, they are not meant to be permanent cards on a player's character. They are for testing purposes. Beta cards are often unbalanced within the context of the existing game and rules, so they should be used sparingly to test and refine card ideas, so that hopefully they will make it as an actual card at some point. 2. If you're in a game and acquire a piece of treasure or the use of another card which you don't own, proxy it until you are able to obtain one of your own. 3. If you're getting ready to play a game and realize that you've accidentally left a card off of your character for whatever reason, proxy it. 4. Starting a new player in the game who doesn't get have any cards. Of course, the better method is to loan that person some cards until they can get their own, but proxies are okay until they do. 5. Trying out something new on your character to see how it fits and works in the game. I may have left something out, but that's where your comments come in. Fire away!


  1. How do you feel about players using proxies for cards that are no longer in print, such as fire burst, spreading fire burst, and mystic sting? There are lots of classic, mainly deluxe, cards that are thematic and appropriate for certain characters, but which can’t be obtained any more. I bought every one of the deluxe and older cards the market had when they were available and I still missed some. If it’s not a collector item like the old stormrider’s guild cards or the 2011-2013 con cards, should we be able to proxie them?

    1. Thanks! I knew I had forgotten something. Yes, using a proxy of a card that is out-of-print is certainly acceptable. However, I still contend that proxy use should not be permanent. Deluxe cards were, in effect, a limited release. The people that were around and able to purchase them have the benefit of being in the right place at the right time. It is not fair; but, not much in life is. Hopefully, we will be able to release similar cards in 2.0, cards that will provide a similar effect.

    2. Thanks! I knew I had forgotten something. Yes, using a proxy of a card that is out-of-print is certainly acceptable. However, I still contend that proxy use should not be permanent. Deluxe cards were, in effect, a limited release. The people that were around and able to purchase them have the benefit of being in the right place at the right time. It is not fair; but, not much in life is. Hopefully, we will be able to release similar cards in 2.0, cards that will provide a similar effect.

    3. Actually, I kind of take exception at that. I try to support the game as much as I can, financially, but I got into the game late, and was only able to buy Deluxe cards for a couple of years before they went away. Everyone who played the game for over a decade before me now has far better cards than I will ever have access to, unless I can find the stats for those cards and proxy them. We're assured that they will come back, but that process is glacial, at best. On top of this, any new player to the game is now SOL.

      I try to buy cards, and use real cards whenever possible, but sometimes the real cards just aren't available, particularly for some that are used in large quantity, like Split Action.

      I'm going to support the game, but a good portion of what I use are going to be printouts of things that just aren't in print anymore.

  2. Proxying a card by getting the stats and making a proxy from blank card is fine. Using a printed image of a copyrighted card, is against the law. A lot of people have been requesting pdfs of actual cards to print and use. This is what I'm talking about. I have already said that making a proxy of a deluxe card is okay. They're out of print and will never be available in that form again. But, if a card is available for purchase, like Classic cards, they should only be proxied temporarily. Susan deserves to be paid for her product. People who play the game entirely with proxies are akin to those who download music without paying for it, in my opinion.
