Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tell me...

Sorry not much has been happening here, that pesky thing called reality has been in the way, and probably will be for a while... And you all don't want to know more than that I'm sure.

So let's discuss something near and dear to you hearts...  Tell me about your favorite characters.  What makes him/her special?  What events help define their personality?  Where do you foresee them going in the future?  Come on, don't be shy, inquiring minds want to know!


  1. I'll even start. My favorite was Jorge (PixieJorge). He was my very first character, from was back to even before we had the deluxe cards. Jorge was a Dwarven Gargoyle nightfighter who in one adventure in our local campaign (now defunct) met the Pixies (sprites). They fascinated him. He had a pixie doll made to carry around in his backpack, he learned how to read and write in order to learn Wizardry just to get the spell Wizard wings, and his dearest wish was to be accepted by the pixies. Once he was flying through woods chasing pixies when he failed his observation roll and flew directly into Heliot Greatflame - while Heliot was in his big ole dragon form. Jorge is long retired now but I still think of him fondly...

  2. Erin Stormhunter is the first character I ever made. She is now a mentor, and she has a griffit, Baby. She was afraid of rats until one bright sunny day the party went to a village that had vermites. She was climbing on roofs to get away. Once she was talked down, she had baby ones plopped in her lap. (At least, this is how I remember the story...) one time while escorting a group of fastidious newbies with Jenna, we encouraged Baby and her griffit to drop mud bombs on them in order to "help" them get over it. Of course, the two of them had a wonderful time on that trip. The newbies, not so much.

  3. my favorite characters are the ones that everyone has brought to the table in every game that I've played you all have very creative minds and expressive personalitiesof which your characters have helped to amplify exemplify in entertain over the many sessions that we have had
