Saturday, October 31, 2015

Couple of things today...

1)  please remember that Nov. 13-15 is a great convention - Pentacon  in Ft Wayne, Indiana.  It's small but fun and not as expensive as some cons out there.  Plus the Guild and the associated Market will be there for your card needs.

2)  This page has been quiet as the proverbial church mouse for longer than before I slacked off posting.  That may be a reason why I slacked off.  What kind of content do you want to see here?  Should this just go the way of the dinosaur?  Should we include Dinosaurs in the cast cards?   talk to us if you want input into the game.  Somehow we did not get in line for the mind reading gene before Elethay scrapped the bottom of the barrel.   She really needs larger barrels.


  1. Speaking of cast cards, why were dwarves not included in the 2.0 cast sets? I am mostly looking forward to news on racial cards, shifter cards, and the mysterious Storm Warden tome that will have an extensive list of printable cards for the GM.

    1. The 2.0 cast cards as they currently exist, were put together by Mark Harmon and he took that reason to the grave with him unfortunately. I also miss the "special"cast like Heliot, Ravenia, etc. If enough interest exists they MAY come back - face it cast cards do not sell as well and to break even those are not high on the list to produce. Tim would be who to bother about the mysterious, mystical Tome of GM knowledge but he has too much on his plate right now to get it out soon. He has been busy getting ALL the cards in the right format so an online printer can print them so that he has more time to actually work on new sets. None of us got any of Mark's equipment to use for printing etc., only computer files so were are working from what we have to get this done.

  2. And you are doing a fine job. I know that Tim has put a lot on himself and it would be nice if others would volunteer their time to assist. I personally have a full time job and have started going to college this year. I am hoping that in the near future I will also be able to provide assistance to not only keep this game alive, but maybe even help increase the number of players. Time will tell. Keep up the good work.

  3. There's only one racial set out so far, and that's the Orcs. The only reason they are out is because they were part of the original race mix. Shifter-types have been misnamed as racial cards. That was Mark's doing. When we talk about racial sets, we're talking Human, Farilan Elf, Ebony Elf, Dwarf, Canid, Das Karr, Foxwings, Vorn, Tigrean, Vermite, and Orc. The Dwarf race set will be one of the first to me completed, as there are already 4 Dwarf backgrounds (which will be renamed as type or racial splits or something), and the Dead Dwarf Walking boon. We only need 4 Dwarf cards to complete the set. A 2nd Orc Set is also fairly easy to fill out since we have the Bone Orc cards to start with. A Tigrean race set is also on the easy side. We've had quite a bit of suggestion about the Vorn cards possibilities, but not much on the rest of the races. We have made several requests for input from players on racial cards, but few have pitched in.

    Just at you, I teach full-time and have a few other extra-curricular activities that demand of my time. I have a few loyal slaves, er partners, who work hard on helping me, but the days are just not long enough to get things out any quicker. Besides, I have an enormous investment in the converted and new card sets in print so far. Hopefully, sales will pick up soon and make it easier to afford new sets. So, we will get things out as quickly as is humanly possible. :-)
