Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Wish Lists

Now we all have favorite characters.  Lets pick one, two ... ok more and give out there Christmas wish list.  Merry X-mas!

For mine:
    Long Mei-Yu wishes to find her friend MirthRawl
    MirthRawl wishes to find a nice place to settle down with warm baths and comfy beds
    Mugwart wishes to re-open the tree of Everlasting Food that seems to be out of order since his first visit there.
    Aurelia would like a comfy job in a palace somewhere rather than  teaching recruits how to put up their tarps and tents.
    Mergatroyd wants people to to appreciate all the glory that a good set of moose antlers brings to one's head!

Ya'll's turn!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Public Service Christmas Shopping Announcement

Dragon Storm card sets make great gifts.  Just saying...
Go on over to the Marketplace and Order some now!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Winter is Coming....

and that means less gaming for those of us that have to do much driving.  However, this is your chance to suggest any REASONABLY priced conventions that you would like to see us try to attend next year.  No guarantees except that we will check out the websites..

And please try to come see us at those we do attend.  It makes the con more fun to have people to see and talk to.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Leap on over to Ft. Wayne this weekend!

PentaCon starts Friday, need I say more?

We have a full scheduale of games listed, the Guild will be there to satisfy your card needs,  see old friends and or neighbors....   What more could you want?

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Couple of things today...

1)  please remember that Nov. 13-15 is a great convention - Pentacon  in Ft Wayne, Indiana.  It's small but fun and not as expensive as some cons out there.  Plus the Guild and the associated Market will be there for your card needs.

2)  This page has been quiet as the proverbial church mouse for longer than before I slacked off posting.  That may be a reason why I slacked off.  What kind of content do you want to see here?  Should this just go the way of the dinosaur?  Should we include Dinosaurs in the cast cards?   talk to us if you want input into the game.  Somehow we did not get in line for the mind reading gene before Elethay scrapped the bottom of the barrel.   She really needs larger barrels.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Curiosity skinned the cat... or found more barrels in the basement?

for those of you who habituate the tavern scene, are there choices of alcoholic beverages that you would like to see added to the Dragon Storm Wine (whine) list?  We tend to say a gold piece for an ale but what about say mead?  or Beer?   Something else?  and what price would you attach to that item?

This is an exercise in my curiosity only.  I personally do not frequent anything close to a tavern scene.  My characters only drink socially.  That's their story and they are sticking to it.

Monday, August 31, 2015

ONce again, Vorn

(still working on this picture but...)

Ok, a recent poll on the Guild facebook site ( showed that  our loyal DS players are wanting the racial cards.  However we have NOTHING from dear late Mark to work with  on the Vorn so...

Idea for racial cards for the Vorn/Ungulates?  Mark claimed ungulates were anything that  had hooves and horns...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

In Honor of National Dog day,

In honor of National Dog Day, what traits do you thinks that we should be giving the Canines of Dragon Storm.  I'm speaking here of Canids, foxwings, das karr,  and even werewolves.  Brainstorm - help us bring the "dogs" to life in our beloved game!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Mining for Information!

O.K., now that we (hopefully) have basic sets for each of the shifter classes for 2.0, what do you want us to produce next (if we can)?  Items, more things like thievery and awareness, a second set of shifter cards for each class,  or something else?  This is YOUR chance to make yourselves heard so speak up! (Not  that it will be guaranteed to happen - it depends on how much time we have to get them done...)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tell us your stories : Companions!

Having had a big week last week and even bigger weekend,  I'm looking for light hearted discussion.

Tell us your favorite companion stories.  I like to hear a good yarn, err, tale, so here's your chance!  Also if you have any ideas for companion type cards that may or may not come out in the (probably not so close) future, we welcome those too.

-Ann G.`

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ah, the Elves...

I have been asking (with very limited success) what cards you would like to see in each racial set.  Today we will ask about the Elves, those pointy eared citizens of Grandilar.  

Also since the dryad does not exist in 2.0, should cards be made available to let someone tailor their elven character to be one?  At least in my mind dryads should be elves but do you agree?

Ann G.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Running con games....

Since the announcement was made about Pentacon (see below), it got me wondering...

when you go to a convention to play, do you prefer combat heavy games or role play heavy games or a mid-point or what?  As a Storm Warden Myself (and I'm not gonna claim to be the best) I often wonder if what I"m doing is actually fun for the people who sit at my table.  So  please, what kind of things do you want to  do in a DS game?

Thank you.

Monday, June 22, 2015

gonna Run some games at Pentacon?

  Larry has opened registration up already!  Woot!

Nov. 13-15, 2015 Ft Wayne at the Grand Wayne ConventionCenter.  To register your game, go to   and start with setting up an account.

To let the rest of us DS players know (so that we do not schedule 5 games for the same session and none for any other), Please go to Tim's doc sheet at:  and list your game also.  This second listing   is for our own purposes only so if you forget, no worries!

(and if you are wondering, the pic is from Origins 2 years ago- I can't seem to find my pics from PentaCon, sorry.)

Monday, June 15, 2015

Racial sets: Caninds

I didn't get far with the Foxwings/ DasKarr question but I will try again.

We have a set of betas for Canids that Mark left us but if a second set was to be made or any of those were to be replaced...What kinds of cards do you think should go into the racial set for the Canids?  Those who have dogs, should be able to come up with a few ideas I would hope, as well as those who observe other peoples dogs...

Thank you!

Friday, June 12, 2015

The Guild is set up for further success at Origins next year!

The Guild for Dragon Storm has now become an official club at Origins. We had a very successful first year, although there were significant bugs in the system to overcome. We are planning a very aggressive and packed schedule of games for Origins 2016. We will be offering Classic, Hyrbid, and 2.0 games next year. GMs will already be eligible for a discounted or free badge, as normal, at Origins. But, with our club code, regular Guild members can get a half-price badge, saving you quite a bit of money. Your input and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. Join in the conversation!

Linking the DS Guild Blog to Facebook

Hopefully, I have successfully linked the blog to Facebook. This will be the test. :-)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It has been announced - No Storm Con This year.

Sadly Mark and Ann cannot host due to their schedules.  Unless there is a change or someone else steps up to host for this year, it has been canceled.

Anyone have any ideas?  I will be missing seeing all of you that come...

Friday, June 5, 2015

Where are you?

We are here at the great convention of Origins... where is every one else?  There hare many jobs for our fellow shapeshifters, and the Necromancers are running loose!  the warped vodka is still flowing, charmed valarians are still out searching for their parents to kill, the bad kidnapper and his network of artful Dodger childern are still in business...    We need your HELP!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Origins Game Fair

WE (as in the Guild) will be there... will you?  There is a pretty full docket of games already listed in the book so come on out and see us! (so No, we will not be in the Open gaming area this year, Hurray!)

Origins, June 3-7, 2015 at the Columbus Convention Center, Columbus Ohio.
We even registered as a Club!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Racial sets: Das Karr amd Foxwings...

At some point there will be sets of cards for each of the races.  Today I ask, what makes the das Karr/Foxwings special... besides the wings on the Foxwings that is.  What types of racial cards so you think should be included?

[This is where I now put in the somewhat legalese.  All ideas shared with those of us producing cards will become the property of Dragon Storm/The Guild for Dragon Storm.  Just like the beta Card idea thingy that our Clans Hyarch Mark Harmon had up on the original site...]

Yeah, I know that I speak technical-ese extremely well.  PTHH!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tell me...

Sorry not much has been happening here, that pesky thing called reality has been in the way, and probably will be for a while... And you all don't want to know more than that I'm sure.

So let's discuss something near and dear to you hearts...  Tell me about your favorite characters.  What makes him/her special?  What events help define their personality?  Where do you foresee them going in the future?  Come on, don't be shy, inquiring minds want to know!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

general question for the masses: Items

As we are in the process of discussing what sets to put out next, I got to wondering, what items would you , our faithful buyers,er, readers, want to see come out in sets?  What are we missing the most?  This is no guarantee that they will be see in the store anytime soon but just a discussion and possibly planning for the future...

Now, 1,2, 3  GO and start the discussion!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Time to get going!

New year, new mayhem!  Have you started planning yet for Marcon, or Origins?  We are hoping to see each and every one of you at some point this year!  Put on those floppy hats, pick up that weaponry and start gearing up for more adventures!